Day :
- Track 1: Plant Physiology and Plant Biochemistry Track 2: Plant Pathology & Weed science Track 3: Crop Production and Market analysis Track 4: Agricultural science and agricultural biotechnology Track 5: Medicinal Plants
Session Introduction
Gaylon Morgan
Texas A&M University
Title: Summary of a Multi-year Soil-Applied Potassium Trial in Cotton
Time : 11:45-12:15

Dr Morgan holds both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree in agronomy from Texas A&M University as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy in Horticulture/Plant Pathology from the University of Wisconsin. He has worked within the Texas A&M University system since 2003. Currently serving as the Texas State Extension Specialist, Morgan is an engaged scientist involved in multi-disciplinary fields of research pertaining to cotton production as well as the practical implementation of those scientific advances to the field.
Potassium (K) deficiencies in multiple row crops, specifically cotton, is a major concern to producers in South and central Texas. Previous research has documented that cotton is more sensitive to low K availability than other major field crops, and often shows symptoms of K deficiencies on soils not considered deficient. Therefore, the first objective was to quantify the K soil levels, surface and with depth, from several major cotton production regions in Texas experiencing K deficiencies. The second objective was to evaluate the impact of applications methods on K and rates on cotton yield, quality, and return on investment. Based on these findings, soil K recommendations will be re-evaluated and modified as appropriate to optimize cotton yields. Potassium was applied at rates of 0 - 160 lbs/a as broadcast incorporated applications and as injected applications in the Blacklands of Texas and Upper Gulf Coast region. In the 2012-2015 trials, positive lint yield responses to applied K were obtained at the majority of the sites. Higher lint yield responses were obtained when soil test levels were deficient; however, significant yield response also were obtained at some sites with greater than threshold K (125 ppm K). At responsive sites, the liquid K injected increased had a greater response on lint yield compared to broadcast incorporated K, but was year dependent. At yield responsive sites, applied K did impact cotton fiber quality characteristics, including length, strength, and micronaire. These trials were partially funded by Cotton Incorporated, IPNI, and Fluid Fertilizer Foundation.
Philipp Zerbe
University of California at Davis, USA
Title: Discovery and engineering of terpenoid metabolism in medicinal plants and food crops: from chemical diversity to biotechnology applications
Time : 12:15-12:45

Philipp Zerbe is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Plant Biology, University of California at Davis. His research focuses on the discovery and engineering of specialized terpenoid metabolism in medicinal plants and food crops for developing tools for the production of terpenoid bioproducts with human benefit. For his research, Dr. Zerbe recently received the Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award. Prior to his position at UC Davis, Dr. Zerbe received his PhD from the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany (2007), followed by positions as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).
Terpenoids form the largest and most diverse metabolite class in plants with essential functions in plant development and ecological interactions. Their various bioactivities offer a rich source for novel pharmaceuticals and other bioproducts, as well as new leads for enhacing stress resistance in crop plants. However, a broader industrial application of plant-derived terpenoids remains limited by the narrow taxonomic distribution, low abundance and complex diversity of these metabolites in nature. We established deep transcriptome resources for more than a dozen non-model medicinal plants and food crops hat produce terpenoid metabolites of economic importance. We established an efficient gene discovery platform, combining metabolite profiling with generation and gene-specific analysis of these transcriptome inventories that resulted in the discovery of more than 60 terpene synthases and several hundred cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenases, as key enzymes in generating terpenoid metabolic diversity. Functional enzyme characterization revealed numerous novel terpene synthase functions as part of dynamic modular pathways, where catalytically distinct enzymes may function in different combinations to enhance chemical diversity. Following nature’s lead, we developed proof-of-concept yeast expression platforms for several diterpenoids through combinatorial expression of functionally distinct terpenoid pathway genes.
Jacques Berner
North-West University, South Africa
Title: Changes in the photosynthetic efficiency of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) when fumigated with CO2 and O3
Time : 12:45-13:15

Jacques obtained his PhD degree in 2006 at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. He worked for several years in the private sector where he developed nutrient foliar applications and the incorporation of plant growth regulators into these products. At the end of 2007 he was appointed as lecturer in plant physiology at the North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa and was promoted to senior lecturer in 2015. He specializes in the use of chlorophyll a fluorescence as a tool to evaluate plant health. Current research activities involve the quantification of the effects of climate change and air pollution on crops.
Global CO2 concentrations have been rising during the past few decades and it is expected that these levels will reach 550 ppm by next century. Together with rise in global CO2 levels is the increase in in surface O3 due to increases in anthropogenic sources. Surface O3 is regarded as a very serious air pollutant, causing damage to all forms of live. Crops are especially vulnerable to O3 stress and significant loss to yields have been reported. In this study we investigated the effect of elevated CO2, O3 and a combination of elevated CO2 and O3 on the light dependent photosynthetic reactions of sugarcane. Two sugarcane varieties, N31 and NCo376 were exposed to 750 ppm CO2, 80 ppm O3 and a combination of 750 ppm CO2 and 80 ppb O3 in open-top chambers. Chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis was used to investigate the effects on the light dependent photosynthetic reactions. Elevated CO2, O3 and the combination treatment all effected the photosynthetic efficiency, but the two varieties responded differently to these conditions. Analysis of the OJIP kinetics indicated that elevated CO2 resulted in an early decline in the ability of the plant to create a charge separation in the photosynthetic reaction centers of PSII of NCo376. Electron transport between PSII and PSI of NCo376 was also reduced, whereas these reactions of N31 reduced much later. The effect of O3 was less dramatic, but the results did indicate that N31 had a higher tolerance level to O3 compared to NCo376. A combination of 80 ppb O3 and 750 ppb CO2 does indicate that elevated levels of CO2 can ameliorate the negative impacts of O3 on the photosynthetic efficiency.
Artem V. Domashevskiy
The City University of New York, USA
Title: Overcoming Plant Defense Mechanisms: Evolutionary Arms Race Between Plants and Viruses
Time : 14:00-14:30

Artem Domashevskiy has received his joint doctorale degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics four years ago from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and Hunter College, and postdoctoral studies from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He is a tenure-track Assistant Professor, who coordinates advance courses in Biochemistry and directs a research laboratory, where his team investigates the properties and function of plant toxic proteins and translation of eukaryotic and viral RNAs. He has published in numerous reputed journals and has served on several prominent editorial and review boards.
An evolutionary arms race between plants and their pathogens has shaped each other’s elaborate strategies for survival. Plants produce proteins that are thought to play a key role in their defense mechanisms against foreign pathogens. These protein toxins are known as ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs). RIPs are broadly distributed throughout the kingdom of plants, fungi, and several species of bacteria. High toxicity of the castor plant owes its physiological effects to ricin and has been known since antiquity. The deadliness of namy RIPs has been explored by political and military organizations to design biological weaponry, scientists to generate transgenic species of plants resistant to viral infections, cancer researchers in production of immuno-conjugate therapeutics, as well as mystery writers to engage the readers. RIPs are RNA N-glycosidases that inhibit advanced stages of protein synthesis by selectively modyifying large rRNA molecules and deactivating ribosomes. Other plants (e.g., common pokeweed and soapwart produce pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) and saporin, respectively, with increased antiviral and antifungal activities. Recently, we have identified a viral genome-linked protein, VPg, from turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) that binds PAP and ricin A chain (RTA) with great affinity and inhibits their cytotocicity. VPg functions as a cap analog in cap-independent translation, and potentially target PAP to uncapped IRES-containing RNA. Serving as a potent inhibitor of RIP activity, we believe that VPg may confer an evolutionary advantage by suppressing one of the plant defense mechanisms, and also suggests the possible use of this protein against the cytotoxic activity of RIPs.
Caspar Langenbach
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Title: Phytoalexins and Bifunctional Fusion Proteins for Plant Protection
Time : 14:30-15:00

Dr. Caspar Langenbach obtained his PhD in the group of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Katharina Göllner at the Plant Physiology Department of RWTH Aachen University in 2013. He than started his postdoctoral carreer with focus on translational research in the Plant Biochemistry & Molecular Biology group of Prof. Dr. Uwe Conrath at RWTH Aachen University. Since 2016 he is leader of the ‘Agbiotech’ subgroup in the Conrath lab. Caspar Langenbach has published several papers in reputed journals on molecular aspects of nonhost resistance and transfer of nonhost resistance-associated genes to provide enhanced resistance to Asian soybean rust.
Phakopsora pachyrhizi is a biotrophic fungus that provokes Asian soybean rust (SBR). Since soybean varieties with resistance to all isolates of P. pachyrhizi are lacking, fungicide application is the most effective means for controlling SBR at the moment. However, emergence of fungicide insensitive pathogen strains and wash-off of active compounds by rain reduce the efficacy of fungicides. Hence, there is an urgent need to identify novel fungicides, increase persistence time of contact fungicides on plants and generate SBR resistant soybean genotypes. We identified POSTINVASION-INDUCED NONHOST RESISTANCE GENE 11 (PING11) which expression correlates with the accumulation of a phytolalexin during Arabidopsis postinvasion NHR. The phytoalexin inhibited germination of P. pachyrhizi spores and countered rust symptom development. Consistent with its key role in phytoalexin biosynthesis, overexpression of PING11 in transgenic tobacco BY2 cells enabled production of high amounts of the natural fungicide. Furthermore, stable PING11 expression in Arabidopsis and soybean led to constitutive accumulation of the antifungal metabolite. Current work addresses transgenic plants’ disease resistance and the phytoalexin`s mode of action. We will also introduce the use of bifunctional fusion proteins (BiFuProts) as a tool for controlling SBR and other plant diseases by functionalizing the plant surface. BiFuProts consist of a plant leaf anchoring peptide fused to an antimicrobial peptide and are immobilized on leaf surfaces of different crops. Due to their exceptionally high rainfastness, antifungal BiFuProts may provide long-lasting crop protection and thus contribute to minimize fungicide use.
Shubhash Deokule
Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
Title: Biodeterioration of chimical constituents of some indigenous herbal drugs due to fungi
Time : 15:00-15:30
Dr. S.S. Deokule has completed his Ph.D. in 1989 from Pune University. At presently he is senior most professor in the department of Botany and was HOD from 2010-2013. He has great contribution in the study of Indian medicinal plants, guided about 30 Doctoral and 22 M.Phil. students. Total 175 research articles were published along with 12 books. He is associated with many national and international academic bodies and also appointed as Member, Board of Directors, Asian Society of Pharmacognosy. He has received many prestigious awards at national and international level. He has created awareness about medicinal plant cultivation.
India is very rich in her medicinal plant wealth. About 35,000 medicinal plants are listed all over the world. Out of that 31000 plants are listed in India. Despite being the wide use of Western medicines, more than 70 % of India’s population depends up on herbal drugs. There are about 8 lakh licensed registered medicinal practitioners of Indian Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy (ISM & H). There are about 7,000-registered herbal medicine manufacturers and 8,000 pharmacies that mainly derive their raw material requirement directly or indirectly from natural sources. Indian Pharmacopoeia records about 100 medicinal plants and their preparations. Some of these drugs are also recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of other countries of the world (viz. British Pharmaceutical codex possess 80 % of Indian medicinal plants). Hence, there is a great demand for them in the international markets. Many fungi are associated with herbal drugs under storage. Association of fungi were screened on six herbal drugs such as Acorus calamus Linn., Boerhaavia diffusa Linn., Cassia angustifolia Vahl, Clerodendrum serratum (Linn) Moon, Cullen corylifolia (Linn.) Medik and Fagonia bruguieri DC. Total 17 fungi and 68 species are isolated from the above stored drugs. It was observed that 75, 96 and 100 % RH showed significant reduction in the sugars, proteins, phenols, alkaloids, glycosides contents and maximum storage periods also proliferate the growth of fungi. Selected drugs are also screened for aflatoxin contamination confirmation but it was observed that these drugs are free from aflatoxin contamination.
B N Reddy
Osmania University, India
Title: Title: Synergistic effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobium on plant growth, yield and resistance to charcoal rot of green gram [Vigna radiata (l.) wilczek]
Time : 15:30-16:00

B N Reddy has Published 75 research papers, contributed chapters in books brought out by reputed publishers. He is the author of Systematics and Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi brought out by Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. He has presented 114 research papers at national and international conferences, organized 14 seminars/conferences, delivered Plenary Lectures on invitation in the international conferences/symposia held in Austria, China, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Turkey, USA and interacted with many Nobel Laureates.
Low cost biofertilizers for disease management options need to be optimized if yields are to be sustained and food security attained. In the present study, field experiments were conducted to investigate the synergistic eff ects of arbuscular mycorrhiza, Glomus constrictum, nitrogen fi xing bacteria, Rhizobium spp. and charcoal rot pathogen, Macrophomina phaseolina on green gram in relation to plant growth, nodulation, nutrient uptake, seed yield and infl uence on charcoal rot disease incidence. Th e pathogen inoculated plants reduced all plant responses monitored and were signifi cantly lower in uninoculated control plants. Glomus plus pathogen inoculated plants yielded greater plant dry weights, phosphorus, potassium content and seed yield followed by Rhizobium plus pathogen inoculated plants compared to only pathogen inoculated and control plants. The nodule number, dry weight, nitrogen content of the root nodules in Glomus plus Rhizobium treatments in the presence of pathogen were signifi cantly more compared to Rhizobium plus pathogen inoculated plants. In Glomus with pathogen treatments, the percentage root colonization was recorded to be 58.45%. Co-inoculation of two symbionts with pathogen enhanced root colonization ability to 80.64%. Inoculation of two symbionts in combination with the pathogen signifi cantly reduced charcoal rot disease incidence as compared to pathogen inoculated in combination with only one symbiont either Glomus or Rhizobium. However, the plants in the presence of Glomus and Rhizobium were more tolerant to fungal root pathogen, M. phaseolina. The results indicate that inoculation with two symbionts in combination is more beneficial in management of root rot pathogen in green gram.
Pallabi Kalita
National Institute of Technology, India
Title: Evaluation of the Nutritional Potential and GC-MS Analysis of Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC.) R.K Jansen from Arunachal Pradesh (Eastern Himalayas)
Time : 16:30-17:00

Dr. Pallabi Kalita Hui has completed his PhD from the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Tezpur University, Napaam, Tezpur, Assam, India. She conducted her postdoctoral studies from the Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh, India and Department of Crystallography and Biophysics, University of Madras, India and sponsored by CPEB-II, UGC, New Delhi, India. Presently she is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT), Yupia, Arunachal Pradesh, India, one of the premier national institutes of India out of the 32 renowned national institutes in the country. She has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as editorial board member of internationally reputed journals. Her area of specialization is Drug Discovery and Nutritional Biochemistry.
Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC.) R.K. Jansen (syn. Spilanthes paniculata DC.) a food plant of Arunachal Pradesh, belonging to the family Compositae (Asteraceae) is reported to be used frequently as food and medicinal agent by various indigenous communities of Arunachal Pradesh and many other parts of the world. It has been used in ancient system of medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases viz. toothache, rheumatism, fever, skin diseases, purgation, urinary tract infection, pulverization of kidney and gall stones, remedy for stammering in children. The evaluation of nutrient composition of the leaves showed that it is highly rich in nutrients and therefore good for human consumption for the maintenance of health and vitality. Nutritional potential of Acmella paniculata was carried out from eight distant locations of Arunachal Pradesh. Proximate analysis such as moisture, organic matter, crude protein, crude lipid & ash percent was carried out for the selected plant. Some mineral ions like calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium (K) & phosphorus (P) was calculated for the plant. Proximate analysis showed the plant having high levels of organic matter & protein. However the plant did not show significant levels of lipid content. Among the mineral ions Ca was found to be highest in the plant. Phosphorus (P) level was comparatively lower followed by potassium (K) and sodium (Na) showed the least percentage among all minerals. Preliminary phytochemical screening through different solvents inferred that methanol fraction showed maximum presence of alkaloids and other secondary metabolites like steroids, proteins, polyphenols. Further GC-MS studies of the methanolic fraction of Acmella paniculata (Wall. ex DC.) R.K Jansen identified the compounds based on direct comparison of the retention times and mass spectral data with those for standard compounds indicates the plant to be a source of phytochemical importance. The plant may be considered as a potential source for formulation of useful drugs for targeting different diseases.
Mbagwu Ferdinand
Imo State University, Nigeria
Title: Stem anatomy of three Chrysophylum species (sapotaceae) and their relevance for taxonomy (systematic botany)
Time : 17:00-17:30
Mbagwu F N is currently working as an Associate Professor. He attended Umuaka High School 1984 and Rivers State School of Arts and Science in 1987. He obtained his BSc in Botany from University of Port Harcourt 1988-1992, MSc in Plant Taxonomy from Imo State University in 1997 and PhD in 2005 from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Abia state in Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. He is currently a Lecturer at Imo State University owerri Nigeria. He has published up to 52 journals articles.
The stem anatomical features of three species of Chrysophyllum namely: C. albidum G. Don; C. cainito Linn. and C. subnudum Baker were investigated using standard anatomical techniques with slight modifi cation. Th e outcome of the result showed numerous vessels in C. cainito but few in C. albidum and C. subnudum. Th e number of rays are multiseriate in C. albidum and C. canitio but uniseriate in C. subnudum. Th e shapes of vessels ranged from oval to circular in C. albidum but circular to rectangular in C. cainito and C. subnudum. Th ere is a presence of pith and sclerenchyma cells in all the three species investigated. Th e results clearly distinguished C. albidum from C. subnudum, hence the diff erence showed reason for each to exist as distinct specie whereas the similarities showed reasons for them to be placed under the same genus Chrysophyllum.
D L Savitramma
University of Agricultural Sciences, India
Title: Identification of drought tolerant Groundnut (Arachis hypogeae) genotypesunder stress and control conditions through gravimetric studies
Time : 17:30-18:00

Savitramma D L has completed her PhD from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Post-doctoral studies as a Biotechnology National Associate from Indian Institute Science, Bangalore, India. She is a Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. She has published more than 65 papers in reputed journals and has released seven varieties in vegetable cowpea, seed cowpea, peanut and chrysanthemum.
Plant root is one of the major organs for water and nutrient uptake from soil. Root development and amount of water absorption from the soil are closely related. Under drought condition the success of crop plants is oft en dependent on the growth of roots. In the present study gravimetric experiment was conducted to evaluate the potential of released and prereleased groundnut genotypes, root growth parameters such as root length, shoot length, shoot weight, leaf length, root volume and dry root weight were taken in fi ve genotypes viz., KCG-2, TMV-2, GKVK-5, GKVK-3 and GKVK-13 under controlled and water stress condition in pot experiment at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. Stress was imposed for 20 days during fl owering stage by balancing the amount of water applied to make it 50% stress. Analysis of variance revealed highly signifi cant diff erences for all the traits studied indicating the variability in the material. In controlled condition all the root traits exhibited higher mean values over stress condition in all the genotypes studied except in GKVK-5 for root dry weight. In stress condition GKVK-5, GKVK-3 and GKVK-13 genotypes exhibited higher mean for root volume, root dry weight and root length. Genotypes GKVK-5, TMV-2 and KCG-2 showed higher mean for shoot weight and leaf length. Among all genotypes GKVK-5 was identifi ed as high yielding with 28 to 30 quintals per hectare, with low to moderate Δ13C (17.53) and high δ18O (31.24) and low specifi c leaf area (107.76 cm2/g) and is found to be having higher water use effi ciency or drought tolerant genotype that indicated eff ective partitioning of the accumulated biomass, more towards root and shoot while relatively less towards shoot biomass. Hence, breeding for root development proved to be eff ective in increasing crop water use effi ciency and drought tolerance.
Elizabeth-France Marillia
National Research Council Canada-Saskatoon, Canada
Title: Palliser’s promise: production of oils enriched in very long-chain fatty acids in Brassica carinata for industrial and nutra/pharma applications
Dr. Elizabeth-France Marillia is a plant molecular geneticist with the National Research Council of Canada where she has been working on lipid biotechnology since 1996. She earned her PhD in genetics at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research interests include genetic engineering of oilseed Brassica crops as industrial platforms to produce specialized oils enriched with Very Long Chain Fatty Acids. Her work has lead to the discovery of several genes key in lipid biosynthesis, and their genetic manipulation for enhanced oil production. Her contributions to the field has been published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals and covered by several patents.
The global demand for vegetable-based oils continues to rise, while the availability of highly productive arable farm land is becoming progressively limited. To meet future requirements, it will be essential to develop new and improved temperate oilseed cultivars adapted to less-than-optimum acreage. An example is the brown soil zone in the semi-arid marginal land area of the south-western Canadian prairies known as Palliser’s Triangle, an area encompassing 6.5 M acres, not well-suited to the growth of crops like canola in rotation with wheat. Brassica carinata is a species that is well-adapted to growth in semi-arid regions and is highly drought- and heat-tolerant. It is being developed as a new crop platform dedicated to the production of bio-industrial oil feedstocks, most notably oils enriched in very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) like erucic (22:1 c13) and nervonic (24:1 c15). VLCFA-enriched B. carinata oils have applications in the manufacture of bio-jet fuels, bio-diesel, enhanced oil recovery surfactants, bio-plastics and many other products. The contributions of such B. carinata oil products to bio-based aviation fuels and to the more-efficient extraction of recalcitrant fossil fuel resources for maximum return at drill sites, are both needed to create a more sustainable energy sector. Equally interesting is that nervonic acid has potential for use in many products in the human health, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sectors. This presentation will focus on the utilities of VLCFAs, the engineering of high VLCFA B. carinata prototypes and the requirements for sustainability and commercialization of this new value-added germplasm.
Rasika Subasinghe
University of Waikato, New Zealand
Title: Putative Xylanase Avtivity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa)

Rasika obtained her B.Sc (Hnours) in Agriculture from University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka with 2nd class (upper div), and has worked in the Postharvest Technology Division of the Industrial Technology Institute, a premier state owned resaerch organisation in Sri Lanka. She obtained her MSc from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka and has more than 15 years experince in both reaserch and management positions. Rasika is currently reading for her PhD at University of Waikato, New Zealand and was awarded the Zespri Innovation Scholorship in 2014.
Actual invasion strategies and mobility of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) pathogen in the kiwi fruit plant remain inconclusive. Psa, indicated a significant level of xylanase activity especially when the pathogen was cultured on minimal media supplemented with 5% ground kiwifruit tissue. Further studies of in-planta activity of Psa xylanse were conducted with twenty mature Hort 16 A kiwifruit plants; ten plants uninfected and ten plants infected with Psa. When disease symptoms appeared in the inoculated plants, both infected and non infected shoots were harvested. Psa was re-isolated from infected plants and duplex PCRs were conducted to confirm that symptoms were due to Psa infection. Remazol Brilliant Blue (RBB) and 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) assays were conducted on ground kiwifruit stem pieces to ascertain putative xylanase activity. RBB assay indicated xylanase activity in infected kiwifruit stem pieces and the RBB asssy on non-infected kiwifruit pieces did not indicate xylanase activity. DNSA assays did not produce a detectable xylanase activity in the infected tissues. Therefore, further RBB assays were conducted to ascertain whether the xylanase activty in infected tissues was due to enzymatic activity. Strength tests were conducted on infected and non-infected kiwifruit shoots four weeks after the innoculation to determine the difference in stength of kiwifruit shoots. The average strength per mm thickness of non-infected kiwifruit xylem was significantly higher than that of infected xylem. Experimental results using Psa-infected kiwi fruit plants clearly indicate a putative xylanase activity and the observed reduction of strength of the kiwifruit xylem is consistant with the presence of a xylanase activity.
- Plant Genetics and molecular biology of plant
Session Introduction
Wei-Cai Yang
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, China
Title: Pollen Tube Guidance: The Interplay between Male and Female Gametophytes

Wei-Cai Yang has completed his PhD in 1994 from Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and then postdoctoral studies at Wageningen University, Cold Spring Habor Laboratory, and Instittue of Molecular Agrobiology in Singapore, respectively. He is a principal investigator and the director of Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of a number of scientific journals.
During evolution, novel reproductive structures and mechanisms have been emerged in plants. In angiosperms, such evolutionary development is manifested by the flower, multicellular gametophyte, double fertilization, loss of sperm motility, and siphonogamy in which the immotile sperm was delivered to the egg by a pollen tube produced by the male gametophyte (pollen), a process named pollen tube guidance (PTG). Previous studies suggested that PTG requires the intimate interactions between the pollen tube and maternal tissue of the pistil and the female gametophyte respectively. Through genetic screen, we isolated a number of Arabidopsis mutants that disrupt these processes. CCG, a central cell-specifically expressed gene, is required for the female gametophyte to attract the pollen tube. CCG encodes a nuclear protein that regulates the expression of a number genes important for PTG via interacting with RNA polymerase II, the Mediator complex and AGL transcription factors. POD1, a pollen tube-expressed gene, is required for the male gametophyte to respond to the female signals. POD1 encodes a ER protein that interact specifically with CRT3, suggesting that it might play a role in the protein folding of putative receptor proteins. Recently, we identified the male MDIS/MDIK receptor complex that recognizes the female attracting signals. These findings provide novel insight to mechanims controlling PTG. And more recent progresses will be discussed.
Desh Pal S. Verma
Ohio State University, USA
Title: Linking Environmental Signals to Epigenetics via TOR Kinase controlling Plant Growth

Desh Pal S. Verma is a full professor at the Ohio State University, USA. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in biology and chemistry, and M.Sc. degree in botany from Agra University, India, and his Ph.D. degree in plant physiology and biochemistry from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Italy. His pioneering research work includes the identification and characterization of nudulins and phragmoplastin, and genes responsible for proline and callose biosynthesis in plants. He has served on the editorial boards for several international journals, edited eleven scholarly books, and published over 160 original research papers.
Plants respond to a given environment controlling their growth and productivity. Accordingly, a variety of environmental signals affect translation and transcription machineries and adjust the plant growth allowing it to adapt to the new conditions. A central regulatory system composed of TOR Kinase is involved in multiplexing these signals and controlling the rate of translation and transcription (particularly rRNA). TOR sends signals to the ribosomal protein RPS6 via S6 Kinase. We demonstrated that RPS6 may have a novel function in plants via its interaction with histone deacetylase 2B (AtHD2B) that belongs to the plant-specific histone deacetylase (HD2 family). Both RPS6 and HD2B were localized in the nucleolus. We have shown that RPS6 directly interacts with the rRNA gene promoter. This suggests that the interaction between RPS6 and AtHD2B may play an important role in linking TOR signaling to rDNA transcription (which makes 98% of RNA) in plants. This is consistent with mutation in rps6b that results in decreased root growth and reduction in 18S rRNA transcription. Over expression of both AtHD2B and RPS6 exhibited down-regulation of pre-18S rRNA synthesis with concomitant decrease in some of the ribosomal proteins transcription. This study suggests a new paradigm for controlling rDNA transcription in plants, in which TOR may be involved in an epigenetic silencing of the rDNA transcription via its downstream signaling component S6K/RPS6, and this mechanism involves HD2B. Such an interaction can provide a direct link between stress signals and the regulation of translation and transcription machineries controlling plant growth under a given environment.
Wei-Cai Yang
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, China
Title: Pollen Tube Guidance: The Interplay between Male and Female Gametophytes

Wei-Cai Yang has completed his PhD in 1994 from Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and then postdoctoral studies at Wageningen University, Cold Spring Habor Laboratory, and Instittue of Molecular Agrobiology in Singapore, respectively. He is a principal investigator and the director of Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has published more than 60 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of a number of scientific journals.
During evolution, novel reproductive structures and mechanisms have been emerged in plants. In angiosperms, such evolutionary development is manifested by the flower, multicellular gametophyte, double fertilization, loss of sperm motility, and siphonogamy in which the immotile sperm was delivered to the egg by a pollen tube produced by the male gametophyte (pollen), a process named pollen tube guidance (PTG). Previous studies suggested that PTG requires the intimate interactions between the pollen tube and maternal tissue of the pistil and the female gametophyte respectively. Through genetic screen, we isolated a number of Arabidopsis mutants that disrupt these processes. CCG, a central cell-specifically expressed gene, is required for the female gametophyte to attract the pollen tube. CCG encodes a nuclear protein that regulates the expression of a number genes important for PTG via interacting with RNA polymerase II, the Mediator complex and AGL transcription factors. POD1, a pollen tube-expressed gene, is required for the male gametophyte to respond to the female signals. POD1 encodes a ER protein that interact specifically with CRT3, suggesting that it might play a role in the protein folding of putative receptor proteins. Recently, we identified the male MDIS/MDIK receptor complex that recognizes the female attracting signals. These findings provide novel insight to mechanims controlling PTG. And more recent progresses will be discussed.
- Medicinal plant
Session Introduction
Md Amzad Hossain
University of Nizwa, Oman
Title: Isolation and characterization of antioxidant and antimicrobial agents from the leaves of Adenium obesum grown in Sultanate of Oman
A great impact in discovery of new drugs from medicinal plants has been witnessed in recent years as an effort to combat world health burden. Compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities are in the centre of interest because of their influence on various diseases. Adenium obesum (A. obesum) has been used traditionally as a remedy for the treatment of venereal diseases, skin disease, dysentery, wound, headaches and muscle pain by local ethnic communities in Sultanate of Oman. However, there has been less interest in searching for active compounds from this plant. The aim of the present study was to isolate and identify the chemical constituents from locally grown A. obesum. Air dried leaves of A. obesum were extracted with methanol and the extract was succesively partitioned using hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol. Bioassay of these extracts showed chloroform extract to be the most active. It was therefore subjected to a series of chromatographic separation to afford two flavonoids. On the basis of chemical and spectral analysis their structures were elucidated as 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone and 3, 5,7,3',4',5'-hexahydroxyflavone. The results of antimicrobial study showed that the isolated pure compounds have significant antimicrobial activity.
- Plant Pathology & Weed science
Session Introduction
Amalia Berna
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
Title: Indirect detection of ratoon stunting disease in sugar cane

Amalia Z. Berna is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO. She received her PhD degree in Applied Biological Science from Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Amalia leads the volatile biomarker discovery component of the Innovative Bioproducts group, her research focuses on the detection of low abundance volatiles release above food, plants and in human breath, with the aim of providing faster tools for predicting quality and health. Amalia is author of over 26 refereed international journal papers with >500 life citations and is inventor on two patent families.
Ratoon Stunting Disease (RSD), caused by Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli, is one of the most significant diseases to affect sugarcane. Incidence of the disease depends on how strictly growers follow control measures aimed at excluding infected cane from the propagation cycle. In the past sixty years farm, hygiene, hot water treatment and use of approved seed plots have remained unchanged at the core of RSD management. Some species of pathogenic bacteria can be characterised by the volatile chemicals they produce. In this work, we harvested more than 10 varieties of sugar-cane from different locations in the Queensland region of Australia over two harvest years. The headspace of sugar sap from infected and uninfected plants was analysed using solid phase micro extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We used maximum mutual information (MI) to select the compounds that best differentiate between the infected and uninfected samples. We validated the selected compounds using two simple classifiers – Support Vector Machine and k Nearest Neighbours– through one-against-all cross-validation. In Year 1 (n=146 samples), we were able to predict the infection status of plants with better than 98% accuracy using VOCs signatures. In Year 2 (n=140 samples), larger numbers of cultivars from more diverse sites were analysed with the results showing correct prediction 95% of the time. We also found that there was no correlation between the amount of bacteria and the levels of the diagnostic volatiles indicating that the changes observed are potentially due to a specific systemic response of the plant to this pathogen.
Louis Bengyella
The University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana
Title: Artificial microRNA–VIGS silencing of a unique C3H2C3-type RING finger protein MeZRP on the CMD2 scaffold05124 of cassava genome reveals severe decreased growth and increase disease development following geminivirus infection
Dr. Louis Bengyella has completed his PhD at the age of 34 years from the University of Burdwan, India and post doctoral studies from the University of the Witwatersrand School of Cell and Molecular Biology. He is a lecturer in the University of Health and Allied Science. He has published 27 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member for Springer, Elsevier, Sciencealert and Academic publishers.
The cassava mosaic disease (CMD) caused by cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMG) is one of the most important ravaging factor in root production. The SSRY28 dominant resistant marker designated CMD2 gene of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is located on scaffold05214. Nonetheless, the identity of the dominant gene according to phytozome genome annotations and the phenotypic effect of silencing CMG–responsive genes on scaffold05214 are unknown. In an effort to characterize resistance on scaffold05214, gene accession cassava4.1_029590m encoding for a 17.85 kDa ZF-RING/U–box motif protein, C3H2C3-type (inferred herein as MeZRF) was identified following the interaction of South African cassava mosaic virus (SACMV) with tolerant cassava landrace TME3. By using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) coupled with artificial microRNA (miRNA) for silencing MeZRF followed by SACMV infection, severe CMD developed in TME3 and N. benthamiana hallmarked with decreased growth. This study shows that silencing MeZRF located on scaffold05214 of the dominant resistant marker, compromises the tolerance ability of TME3 to SACMV and also alters the expression of interacting partners–RGL2, TLP9 and UBC8 that are involved in plant growth and development. This is the first study defining the function of a C3H2C3-type RING finger protein in cassava located in CMD2 scaffold05214.
Meriem Mihoub
High National School of Agronomic Sciences, Algeria
Title: A study on nematofauna associated to the olivier Olea europaea L. in some northen regions in Algeria

Meriem Mihoub holds an engineering degree and masters in Agronomic Sciences on 2012, and is now a 3rd year PhD student in the department of Botany specialized in Phyto-pathology in the Hight National School of Agronomic Sciences, Algiers Algeria. She is working on “vegetation and biological control of weed cereals†from the same School. Meriem is currently working as a consultant for the program GENBI “Environmental Governance and Biodiversity†with the German Cooperation through its executive agency GIZ in its office in Algiers.
Surveys conducted during 2012 in some olive areas (Blida, Boumerdes and Mascara) in both orchards and nurseries revealed the presence of nine genera of plant-parasitic nematodes.Four among them are considered to be dangerous on oliviers. Pratylenchus is detected in the majority of areas sampled with a frequency ranging from 12.5% to 71.42%. The Helicotylenchus are present at a frequency of 6.25% to 50% in almost all the studied sites. Meloidogyne are the most dangerous despite their low frequency of 14.28%, because they are classified in the A2 quarantine list. They only exists in the olive areas of Mascara with a density of 10juveniles/100g of soil which corresponds to the limit of harmfulness of this plant parasitic-nematodes. Among ectoparasites, Xiphinema are the only dangerous genera because they are virus vectors on citrus. Other genera such as: Paratylenchus,Telotylenchus, Criconema, Gracilacus and Tylenchorynchus do not present any problems on oliviers and are detected in low densities.
- Agricultural science and agricultural biotechnology
- Crop Production and Market analysis
Session Introduction
Vadlya T. Tame
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Nigeria
The experiment was conducted in the laboratories of the Departments of Chemistry and Animal Health and Production Technology, Adamawa State University Mubi, Nigeria. The treatments for the experiment consisted of two shea fruits harvesting methods (matured ripened fruits that fell under their own weight and as a result of feeding by birds to the ground and harvested and matured ripened fruit manually harvested from the tree) replicated three times in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and the. Data were collected on chemical properties of shea butter which include acid value, free fatty acid, iodine value, peroxide value, saponification value and unsaponifiable matter, while the physical properties include moisture content, yield, melting point, relative density, and refractive index. The data collected were analyzed statistically using Generalized Linear Model (GLM) procedure of Statistical Analysis System (SAS). The means that were significantly different were separated using Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that there were highly significant differences (P≤0.01) among the harvesting methods. The matured ripened fruits that fell under their own weight and as a result of feeding by birds to the ground and harvested recorded the lowest acid value (2.79), free fatty acid (1.41), lowest iodine value (36.91) and Peroxide value (10.51). The lowest moisture content (0.96 %) and highest yield (21.59 %) was recorded by harvesting matured ripened fruits that fell under their own weight and as a result of feeding by birds to the ground. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that harvesting matured ripened fruits that fell under their own weight gave the best Shea butter quality.
- Plant Ecology & Agro- diversity
Session Introduction
Mbagwu Ferdinand
Imo State University, Nigeria

Dr Ferdinand Nkem Mbagwu was born to the family of Chief and Mrs Peter Ejiogu of Ndiokwu village in Ibele authonomous community in Njaba Local Government Area of Imo State Nigeria in the year 1969. Dr Mbagwu F.N. attended community School Umuaka from 1974 -1980; Umuaka High School from 1980 -1985; Rivers State School of Arts and Science1985-1986; University of Port Harcourt from1988-1992; Imo State University Owerri Nigreia from1995-1997 and Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike Nigeria from2000-2005. He has the following degrees FSLS, WASC, BSC BOTANY,MSC BOTANY, and PhD in Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics. He is a senior lecturer with Imo State University Owerri Nigeria and currently the Head of the Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology. He has held different positions at Imo State University such as Departmental exam officer, member admission screening committee, member University exam committee, chairman, university time table committee, Time table officer, Faculty of science. Cordinator, departmental postgraduate programme, Associate Dean, Inssitute of continuing Education Programme. He has supervised up to five Msc students. He is an editor of African Journal of Biotechnology. He is a fellow Institute of corporate Administration of Nigeria. He is a member of Botanical Society of Nigeria, Member-Moringa Association of Nigeria, Member-West African Research and Innovation Management Association. He has published over48 journal articles both local and international. He has written over 12 books and has co authored over 8 books. He has attended about 5 conferences with papers presented.
The stem anatomical features of three species of Chrysophyllum namely : C. albidum. G. Don; C. cainito. Linn. and C. subnudum. Barker wereinvestigated using standard anatomical techniques with slight modification. The outcome of the result showed numerous vesssels in C. cainito but few in C. albidum and C. subnudum. The number of rays are multiseriate in C. albidum and C. canitio but uniseriate in C. subnudum. The shapes of vessels ranged from oval to circular in C. albidum but circular to rectangular in C. cainito and C. subnudum. There is presence of pith and sclerenchyma cells in all the three species investigated. The results clearly distinguishe C. albidum from C. subnudum hence the difference showed reason for each to exsist as a distinct specie whereas the similarities showed reasons for them to be placed under the same genus Chrysophyllum.
Ogbuehi Hyginus chikaodi

OGBUEHI HYGINUS is a doctorate degree holder in the Department of Crop Science and Biotechnology at the University of Imo State where he has been a Faculty member since 2008. OGBUEHI completed his Ph.D. at Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria and his M.Sc. and undergraduate studies at University of Port-Harcourt River State, Nigeria. His research interest lies in the area of Plant Physiology, Eco-physiology, Postharvest Physiology and Environmental Pollution. He has published over 20 Articles.
The Laboratory experiment was conducted at the laboratory of the Department of Crop Science and Biotechnology, Imo State University, to investigate the effects of ginger extracts used as preservatives on the shelf-life of Solanum melongena. The experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design with four replication and four treatments which include various concentrations of ginger extract (50mg, 100mg and 200mg) with an untreated plots which served as the control. The freshly harvested fruits were cleared and treated with the various concentrations of ginger extract and placed in storage. The fruits were monitored daily and data were collected on various parameters which included ambient temperature, daily weight and weight loss, fruit firmness and colour change. The fruits were taken for proximate analysis at the end of the study and acceptability assessment was also conducted based on a 9 point hedonic scale. Statistical analysis of the data showed that 100mg ginger extracted fruits were better accepted on the bases of fruit firmness, aroma and palatability. Results also showed that ginger extract did not influence weight loss significantly. However, the highest dietary fibre, fat, protein and ascorbic acid (10.30%, 70.20%, 2.60% and 6.90% respectively) were obtained from the 100mg ginger extract treated fruits. It was concluded that application of ginger extract at 100mg concentration was best for the extension of the shelf life of egg plant.

Dr. Ajiboye Abiodun Akeem has completed his Ph.D degree at the age of 29 from the federal university of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Currently, he is the Acting Head of Deapartment of Plant science and Biotechnolgy, Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. He has published over 30 papers in both local and international journals.He is married to Mrs Modupe Doris Ajiboye (Nee Olonimoyo) and has three (3) childeren namely Emmanuel, Daniel and Esther. He is a seasoned plant physiologist who specialises in physiology bof seed germination and ethnobotanical studies of some valuable tree seeds in Nigeria.
Studies on the effect of ecto and endo mycorrhizal inoculums on seedling growth of four savanna tree seeds in Nigeria. Endomycorrhizae (Glomus mossae) and ectomycorrhizae (Saillus luteus); both were used in crude forms. The relative endomycorrhizal dependency of the seedlings were maximum in Parkia seedlings by having up to 68%, 41.0% in Albizia, 35.0% in Tamarindus and the least was 21% in Prosopis seedlings. However, Tamarindus seedlings had the highest ectomycorrhizal dependency with about 55.0%,while 54.0% was showed in Prosopis africana. About 50.0% and 46.0% were shown in Albizia lebbeck and Parkia biglobossa seedlings respectively. Ectomycorrhizal inoculation greatly enhanced seedling growth and development of Prosopis Africana,Albizia lebbeck ,Tamarindus indica Parkia and biglobossa had the highest significant difference (p<0.05) in leaf area at treatment.Endomycorrhizal inoculation also greatly enhanced seedling growth of Prosopis africana, Albizia lebbeck and Tamarindus indica Parkia biglobossa had highest significant difference (P<0.05) in leaf area, leaf number,petiolenght,stem girth and plant heights in the treatment. Treatment means were separated using least significant difference at 5% probability level.The results obtained in this study will foster valuable contributions in the areas of increasing the seedling growth of these savanna tree seeds through the incorporation of both ecto and endo mycorrhizae into the soil.This findings will also assist to increase seedling production for agro forestry purposes in Nigeria.
Mohamed Abdalla
Assiut University, Egypt
Title: Showing some Broccoli and Cabbage Genotypes Biodiversity Using Randomly amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD).
He is finished his PhD at the age of 31 years from Technical University of Berlin and Assiut University (Channel system). He has more than 33 papers in different conferences and journals. He is now head of vegetable Department at Assiut University.
Ten RAPD markers were used to detect the genetic variability and relationships among four broccoli and three cabbage genotypes. The results of RAPD analysis showed that all the five primers surveyed detected polymorphism for all broccoli genotypes. A total of 39 DNA bands were amplified by the 5 primers from all genotype and 21 of these fragments showed polymorphism (53.85%). The rest of these bands (46.15%) were common between the four genotypes. On the other hand, All of the 7 primers surveyed, used with cabbage, detected polymorphism among all cabbage genotype. A total of 69 DNA bands were amplified by the 7 primers from all genotypes and 23 of these fragments showed polymorphism (33.33%). The rest of these bands (66.67%) were common between the three genotypes. The investigation suggested that the RAPD approach showed considerable potential for identifying and discriminating broccoli and cabbage genotypes.
Umeoka Nkiru
Imo State University, Nigeria
A split plot experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was used to study the effect of three (small = 10.01 – 10.05g, medium = 22.25 – 22.30g, and large = 32.25–33.00g) seed sizes and four (3cm, 6cm, 9cm and 12cm) sowing depths on the germination and growth of Telfairia occidentalis at Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria. Small and large seeds had significantly the highest and least seedling emergence respectively. Small seeds gave significantly the highest leaf number plant -1, leaf area, root length, relative growth rate and leaf, stem and root dry weights. Large seeds had statistically the least result of the above parameters. However, large seeds had the highest (P≤0.05) root-shoot ratio and leaf area ratio. Seeds sown at 3cm and 6cm depths emerged faster than seeds sown at 9cm and 12cm depths. Seeds sown at 3cm depths had the highest significant percentage germination, plant heights, root shoot ratio and leaf area. However, seeds sown at 9cm depth gave statistically the highest root lengths, root collar diameter and leaf diameter. In terms of plant biomass, 12cm and 6cm sowing depths gave significantly the highest and least leaf and stem dry weights respectively. The 9cm and 12cm sowing depths had higher (P≤0.05) root dry weights than the 3cm and 6cm sowing depths. At the 12th week of the study 3cm and 12cm gave significantly the highest and least relative growth rates respectively. In terms of seed size and sowing depths treatment interactions, large seeds in all the sowing depths had the highest (P≤0.05) root shoot ratios. Small and large seeds in all the sowing depths gave significantly and respectively the highest and least relative growth rates, leaf number, root, stem and leaf dry weights. Small seeds at the various sowing depths also had significantly the highest root lengths and plant heights. This study recommends the use of small seed sizes (10g) and 3cm sowing depth for production of T. occidentalis.
The study was carried out to determine the effect of costus afer on pathogens causing yam rot in Owerri. Infected yams were sampled from two markets within Owerri. Two fungi pathogen isolated and identified were: Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus. Three different concentrations of costus afer were obtained. 10, 20 and 30%phytochemical constituents of costus afer extracts was also evaluate. It contains phenols, flavonoids, quinones, alkaloids and tainnins. Extracts of costus afer was efficient in inhibiting the growth of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus. The extracts showed significant difference at 5% probability level. The highest antifungal activity was observed with 30% costus afer extract and ethanol had the highest inhibition 89% and 90%, when compared to aquae’s 81 and 82% and crude 85 and 87% respectively. The result of this study shows the possible use of plant extracts in the manangement and control of yam rot.
Matthew O. Adebola
Federal University of Technology, Nigeria
Ground nut (Arachis hypogaea) is one of the most popular commercial crops in Nigeria. Its successful production has been drastically affected by early leaf spot disease caused by Mycosphaerella arachidis Deighton. In vitro control of the pathogen by six medicinal plants (Entada africana, Vitex doniana, Lawsonia inermis, Azadirachta indica, Acalypha hispida and Nuaclea latifolia) was assessed in this study. The extracts of the plants were prepared using cold and hot water and alcohol. The pathogen was isolated from ground nut infected with early leaf spot disease. The results revealed a great significant difference (P<0.05) in yield of extracts between cold water, hot water and alcohol extracts. A significant difference (P<0.05) was observed in percentage concentrations of the various phytochemical constituents present in the extracts. Flavonoids percentage concentration was the highest (0.68 - 1.95%) followed by saponnin(0.09 - 1.53%) in N. latifolia extracts. Steroiods had the least percentage concentrations (0.00- 0.09%)followed by terpenoids(0.02 – 0.71%) and proanthocyannin (0.05 – 0.86%). N. latifolia extracts produced the highest percentage concentrations (0.07 – 1.95%) of all the phytochemicals followed by A. indica(0.05 – 1.64%)and least concentrations were obtained in A. hispidia(0.09 – 0.87%)and V. doniana (0.00 – 0.88%). The extracts inhibited spore germination and growth of M. arachidis. The inhibition by alcohol extracts was high and significantly different (P>0.05) from cold and hot water extracts. Alcohol extract of L. inermis gave 100% spore germination inhibition followed by N. latifolia and A.indica with 97.75% and 85.60% inhibition respectively. Therefore, field trials of these six medicinal plants on the control of early leaf spot disease of ground nut are recommended.
Rashad Balal has completed his PhD at the age of 29 years from under sandwitch program, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan and Cornell University, New York, USA on the aspect of stress physiology. Dr. Balal has done postdoctoral studies from Department of Crop and Environmental Studies, Harper Adams University, UK. Currently, he is the chairperson of Department of Horticulture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan, a premier educational and research organization in Pakistan. He is also incharge of Horticultural-Stress Physiology lab. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed peer reviewed journals. He has produced 20 M.Phil and 5 PhD students.
The current investigation was carried out to assess whether the alterations in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the levels of some non-enzymatic antioxidants could be used as potential indicators of heat-tolerance in ten commercialy important cultivars of okra (Abelmoschus esculrntus L.). The tested cultivars were exposed to three different temperatures i.e., 25, 40 and 45 °C under controlled conditions in growth chambers. Various growth, physiological and biochemcial characters in leaf or/and root tissues were analyzed. According to percent inhibition in shoot/root fresh and dry biomass at the highest temperature (45 °C) cultivars Sabaz Pari, Desi Okra and Green Wonder were ranked as tolerant (percent inhibition less than 60%), Shahzadi, Anarkali, Sarsabaz and Rama Krishna moderately tolerant (percent inhibition 60–70%), Click-5759 MF-03 and Pen Beauty heat sensitive (percent inhibition more than 70%). Heat stress caused significant reductions in photosynthesis associated attributes but didn’t affect number of stomata. High temperature-stress significantly elevated the activities of antixodiants, levels of osmolytes and decreased the MSI, and activities of GPX and CAT, while the internal levels of H2O2 remained unaffected in all tested okra cultivars. Although heat-induced oxidative stress was observed in all okra cultivars, but the response of heat-resistant and heat-sensitive cultivars with respect to the formation of enzymatic and non-enzymatic metabolites measured in the present study was not consistent. Of various gas exchange characteristics, antioxidant-enzymes and metabolites measured, only Pn, MSI and activities of GPX and CAT activity was found to be a consistent indicators of heat-tolerance in tested okra cultivars.
- Agricultural science and agricultural biotechnology
- Track 6: Plant Ecology & Agro- diversity Track 7: Plant Biotechnology and Tissue culture Track 8: Plant Genetics and molecular biology of plant Track 9: Phytochemicals Track 10: Mycology & Phycology
Location: Allen
Session Introduction
Russel J Reiter
UT Health Science Center, USA
Title: Phytomelatonin: Helping plants to survive and to thrive
Time : 11:50-12:20

Russel J Reiter, PhD, is a Professor of Cell Biology at the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. He has been awarded 3 honorary MD degrees and 1 honorary DSc Degree. He has received numerous awards for his research including the A. Ross McIntyre Gold Medal (USA), US Senior Scientist Award (Germany), Lezoni Lincee Award (Italy), the Inaugural Aaron B. Lerner Award (FASEB, USA), etc. His scientifi c publications have been cited in excess of 90,000 times (Google Scholar) and his h-index is 145. He is on Thomson Reuters List of Highly Cited Scientists (top 100 in his field).
Melatonin is synthesized in plants from the amino acid tryptophan. Initially, melatonin will be decarboxylated to tryptamine and this molecule then hydroxylated to serotonin. Th e conversion of serotonin to melatonin may be similar to that in animals, although there is some debate about this. It is assumed that serotonin is acted upon by N-acetyltransferase (NAT) to generate N-acetylserotonin; the latter molecule is then catalyzed to N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine (melatonin) by acetylserotonin methyltransferase (ASMT) (formally known as hydroxylindole-O- methyltransferase or HIOMT). Melatonin may not be the fi nal product in some plant species, since melatonin is acted upon by 2-hydroxylase to produce 2-hydroxymelatonin. Melatonin and 2-hydroxymelatonin function as free radical scavengers to detoxify reactive oxygen species that otherwise damage critical molecules in plant cells. Additionally, melatonin is a potent growth promoting agent in plants. For example, when soybean seeds are coated with a solution that contains melatonin, a larger percentage of the seeds will germinate, plants grow faster and larger and the number of seeds and seed pods will be increased. Th us, melatonin enhances product yield in soybeans. Similarly, when seed corn or cucumber seeds are hydroprimed with melatonin, the percentage of the seeds that germinate elevated and product yield also increased. Plants treated with melatonin either pre- or post-germination are also more resistant to damage by environmental perturbations that interfere with photosynthesis and growth than control plants which are not treated with melatonin. Collectively, the results on the functions of melatonin in plants indicate that this indoleamine is highly beneficial in terms of protecting the plants from stressors and in improving productivity, actions that could have a major impact on food availability.
Deshpal S Verma
Ohio State University, USA
Title: Building of cell plate during cytokinesis in plant cell
Time : 12:20-12:50

Desh Pal S Verma is a full Professor at the Ohio State University, USA. He obtained his BSc degree in Biology and Chemistry, MSc degree in Botany from Agra University, India, and PhD degree in Plant Physiology and Biochemistry from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, Italy. His pioneering research work includes the identifi cation and characterization of nudulins and phragmoplastin, and genes responsible for proline and callose biosynthesis in plants. He has served on the editorial boards for several international journals, edited 11 scholarly books, and published over 160 original research papers.
Cytokinesis in plant cells involves building a cell plate as the fi nal step in generating two cells. Th e cell plate is built in the center of phragmoplast by fusion of Golgi-derived vesicles. Th is step imposes an architectural problem where ballooning of the fused structures has to be avoided to create a plate like structure. Th is is achieved by an unique mechanism vesicles are squeezed into dumbbell-shaped vesicle-tubule-vesicle (VTV) structures with the help of phragmoplastin, a homolog of dynamin. These structures are fused at their ends in a star-shaped body creating a tubulovesicular "honeycomb-like" structure in the center of phragmoplast. Phragmoplastin was shown to interact with Cell-Plate-specifi c Callose synthase encoded by CalS1 gene. Th is protein further intracts with a UDP-glucose transferase forming a complex that produces copious amounts of callose needed to form the cell plate. Once the plate reaches the periphery of the cell, then cellulose synthase takes over and deposit cellulose microfi brils on the cell plate making a rigid cell wall. Th e identifi cation of Phragmoplastin and Callose synthase complex alloed us to work out the mechanism by which cell plate is built during cytokinesis in plants.
Andy Pereira
University of Arkansas, USA
Title: Regulation of the lignocellulose pathway in rice as a model for grasses
Time : 13:30-14:00

Andy Pereira completed his PhD from Iowa State University, with postdoctoral studies from Max-Planck Institute (Germany), and worked as a scientist in Plant Research International (Netherlands) and Virginia Tech before joining the University of Arkansas as Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor in Rice Plant Molecular Genetics. He has published more than 100 publications in the fields of insertional mutagenesis, Arabidopsis and rice functional genomics, systems biology studies of drought stress in interaction with basic biological processes.
In the quest for alternative energy sources, biomass feedstocks play an important role. Crop wastes are oft en overlooked because of the complexities involved in adapting crops for industrial scale utilization in biofuels. Nevertheless, cellulose from plant biomass is the largest renewable energy resource of carbon fixed from the atmosphere, which can be converted into fermentable sugars for production into ethanol. Rice straw especially is a major crop waste that is oft en burnt or removed from fi elds. However, the cellulose present as lignocellulosic biomass is embedded in a hemicellulose and lignin matrix from which it needs to be extracted for effi cient processing. In our research we found that overexpression of the Arabidopsis transcription factor SHINE (AtSHN) in rice altered lignocellulose composition, increasing cellulose by 34% and reducing lignin by as much as 45% with no compromise in plant strength and agronomic performance, supporting its use as a regulatory switch for altering lignocellulose composition in grasses. Th e AtSHN regulatory pathway was characterized by ChIP-Seq and ChIP-qPCR with AtSHN affi nity tagged lines, and AtSHN targets confi rmed by transactivation assays of promoter targets in rice protoplasts. Knockdown lines of the rice OsSHN gene were characterized phenotypically and the downstream pathway analyzed by RNASeq analysis. Integration of the information from AtSHN and OsSHN functional studies in rice, provide a framework model of the role of the SHN gene family in regulating biochemical and physiological pathways in rice and underpin its potential utility in understanding regulation of the lignocellulosic pathway in grasses.
Xueqiang Zhao
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Engineering nitrogen use efficiency in wheat with improved seedling root growth and postanthesis nitrogen uptake
Time : 14:00-14:30

He is working as a researcher at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. His research experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study. His research interests as a researcher reflect him in wide range of publications in various national and international journals.
Developing wheat varieties with improved nitrogen use effi ciency is very desirable, and may off er a sustainable solution to improve crop yields with less fertilizer application. Roots are the main site for nutrient uptake; their size and distribution in soil profi les, and uptake activity largely determine nutrient uptake effi ciency. However, low temperature at seedling stage inhibits root development of winter wheat and nutrient bioavailability; and root senescence during grain filling is becoming a limiting factor for achieving high yield in modern wheat varieties. By screening genes in response to low nitrogen stress and nitrate treatment, we identifi ed a low nitrogen inducied transcription factor TaNFYA-6B and a nitrate inducible transcription factor TaNAC2-5A. Overexpression of these genes in wheat increased root growth and nitrate infl ux rate of wheat seedlings and improved grain yield under both low and high nitrogen conditions. Glutamine synthetase (GS) plays an essential role in the metabolism of nitrogen. By analyzing the mini-core collection (MCC) of the Chinese wheat germplasm, we identifi ed a favorable allele of GS2, TaGS2-A1b. Expressing proTaGS2-A1b::TaGS2-A1b in wheat signifi cantly increased nitrogen uptake during grain-fi lling period, and grain yield under both low and high nitrogen conditions. Our results suggest that improving the root ability in efficiently acquiring nitrogen at seedling stage and aft er fl owering is crucial in engineering nitrogen use efficiency in wheat.
Hui Tag
Mississippi State University, USA
Title: Biodiversity of wild food and medicinal plants of Eastern Himalayas
Time : 14:30-15:00

The corresponding author Dr. Hui Tag did his Master of Science in Botany from Rajiv Gandhi University (2002), Arunachal Pradesh, India and obtained his PhD Degree in Botany from the same University in the year 2008. Dr. Tag has been working as Senior Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh since 2005, and he is currently pursuing his DBT GOI sponsored Post Doctoral study as Visiting Scientist (DBT Overseas Associate) in the Department of Plant and Soil Science, Mississippi State University, MS USA. His focal research area is taxonomy, ethnobotany, biodiversity and physio-biochemical approach to understand the value and potency of traditional food and medicinal plants. Dr. Tag is a dynamic researcher and also a member of several scientifi c and professional bodies and also participated as UNDP observer in COP meeting of CBD in last three years. He has more than 50 research papers published in national and international journals of repute.
Eastern Himalaya comprises of State of Eastern Nepal, Bhutan and Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh endowed with rich cultural and biological diversity. Th is region has been rated as one among the top 12 Global Biodiversity Hotspot by IUCN (2000, 2005). Th e cultural and biodiversity of Arunachal Pradesh is exceptionally unique and rich with presence of several linguistic group and endemic biological taxa most of them being signifi cant medicinal and food plants which help in sustaining local culture and economy of the Eastern Himalayan tribes. Present paper highlights ethnobotanical aspects of the selected food and medicinal plants used by the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. Apart from ethnobotanical knowledge bases, paper also deals with physio-biochemical and pharmacological aspects of selected species including which include Centella asiatica, Chloranthus erectus, Potentilla peduncularis, Vaccinium glauco album, Drynaria propinqua, Rosa sericea, Quercus griffi thii, and Quercus semecarpifolia. Th e fi eld and lab result shows that the local communities of Eastern Himalayan region of India are rich in diverse uses of traditional food and medicinal plants. Food and medicinal plants used by the local tribes are rich in antioxidant bioactive constituents which could be used as anti-infl ammatory and anticancer agents.
A Sabita Rani
Osmania University, India
Title: Tissue culture studies on Spilanthes acmella Murr.-An important medicinal plant
Time : 15:00-15:30

A Sabitha Rani has completed her PhD from the Dept. of Genetics, CPMB, Osmania University. Her research interests are tissue culture studies of medicinal plants and Plant Biotechnology. She has published 30 research papers in national and international reputed journals. She has also presented many research papers in national and international conferences. She is the member of many academic bodies and also the member of editorial board for many research journals.
Spilanthes acmella Murr. was successfully micropropagated using nodal segments and apical shoot tips. The explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with diff erent concentrations of BAP for shoot initiation. All the concentrations of BAP alone induced shoot regeneration with varying frequency. High regeneration frequency was observed at 2 mg/l concentration of BAP in apical shoot tips (70%) and nodal segment (60%). Th e regenerated shoots were multiplied on MS medium with diff erent concentrations of BAP alone and in combination with NAA and IAA. Highest frequency of multiple shoot induction (90%) was observed at 2.0 mg/L BAP + 1.0 mg/L IAA with maximum number of shoots 25 and 40 aft er fi rst and second subculture. Th e highest shoot length (4.8 cm) was observed at 2.0 mg/L BAP + 1.0 mg/L NAA with 80% shoot multiplication. Th e regenerated shoots were transferred onto rooting media with diff erent concentrations of IBA and NAA. All the concentrations of IBA and NAA produced roots with varying frequencies. High percentage of rooting (90%) was observed for 1.0 mg/L IBA and NAA at 1.0 mg/L also showed good percentage of rooting (80%). Rooted plantlets were hardened and established in pots with 100% survival rate.
Md Rais Uddin
University of Hohenheim, Germany
Title: In vitro screening of salt tolerant genotypes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)
Time : 15:30-15:50
Md Rais Uddin Rashed has completed his Master’s in Agricultural Sciences with thesis title: "Effect of substrates on plant transpiration rate under several vapour pressure deficit level" with Panicum maximum cv. tanzania and Pepper (Capsicum capsaularis) at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. He obtained his Bachelor’s in Agriculture and Masters in Genetics and Plant Breeding with thesis title: Screening of salt tolerant genotypes in vitro in tomato) from Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He worked as an Assistant Researcher at “Eurofins Agroscience Services Ecotox GmbH” Agro based company for almost two years on part time basis in Germany. He also worked at Genetics and Molecular Biological Laboratory for one and half year as a Research Assistant.
Soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic stress that limit crop production. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is moderately tolerant to salinity and is typically cultivated in regions that are exposed to soil salinization. The aim of the study was to characterize phenotype response to salt stress under in vitro conditions of 14 tomato genotypes BARI Tomato-2, BARI Tomato-11, BD-7260, BD-7290, BD-7295, BD-7286, BD-7269, BD-7258, BD-7289, BD-7292, BD-7291, BD-7302, BD-7301, and BD-7762. Tomato seeds were cultured with 0 mM (control), 50 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM and 250 mM NaCl in nutrient solutions. The effect of the stress applied on the morphological traits was evaluated in 9 day-old seedlings. The analysis of variance showed that the highest root length was grown on 50 mM NaCl solution. The shortest root length was observed entries BD-7260 at 250 mM. Longer roots (11.6 cm) were developed by the plants from the solutions containing 50 mM NaCl in entries BD-7302. NaCl concentration in the medium significantly affected the root length and plant weight of tomato. Genotypic distribution of weight LS means revealed that genotypes BARI-2 and the Line BD-7292 is the highest performed and the Line BD-7762 is the lowest performed. These findings indicated some salt tolerant tomato genotypes which will be promising for future hybridization program. Analysis of novel genes as well as some previously identified genes such as PIPs, LTPs, AGPs, PRPs, GRPs etc. which showed protective roles in different abiotic stresses to other crops is quiet necessary and the presence and expression pattern of those genes in these screened genotypes of tomato will provide powerful information for over-expression of those genes in transgenic plants those will confer salt tolerances to the cultivated tomato varieties.
Javed Hussain Umrani
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Title: Performance of chlorophyll fluorescence to drought stress tolerance in different constructs of transgenic maize
Time : 15:50-16:10

Javed Hussain Umrani is working as a Teaching Assistant at Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan and PhD scholar at the Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. He has published papers in reputed journals.
Drought is a major environmental factor that harshly lowers plant production worldwide. Globally, maize (Zea mays L.) is a major crop seriously affected by drought. Previously, we cloned a transcription factor ABP9 from maize that its overexpression in Arabidopsis confers tolerance to multiple abiotic stresses including drought. To examine its function transgenic maize plants ABP9 were generated. In this research, we evaluated the performance of the transgenic maize plants of the four constructs of ABP9 under the control of different promoters, namely Pabp9-ABP9.1A, Pubi-ABP9.1B, Pubi-ABP9.2 and Pubi-ABP9-3xFLAG under both drought at vegetative and reproductive stages and well watered conditions in the field and identified several transgenic events showed high level of tolerance to drought stress. This research confirms that those transgenic maize events (201, 206, 212 and 214 of Pabp9-ABP9.1A), (604, 606, 611, 612 616 and 617 of Pubi-ABP9.1B), (702, 705, 713, 714 and 717of Pubi-ABP9.2) and (809 and 815) Pubi-ABP9-3xFLAG acquired higher chlorophyll fluorescence is key parameter for drought tolerance at vegetative stages compared to the non-transgenic controls in field. Moreover, this investigation will serve as a preliminary study for chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in order to understand the genetic and physiological background of ABP9 to drought stress tolerance in transgenic maize.
S N Al-Nadhari
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Comparative efficacy of different approaches to manage Meloidogyne incognita on green bean
Time : 16:10-16:30
S N Al-Nadhari has completed his PhD in Plant Pathology (Plant Nematology) at College of Food and Agriculture, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia in 2014. He is currently working as Researcher and Reviewer in Technology and Innovation Unit in Rector's for Graduate studies & Scientific Research Sciences.
A greenhouse study was conducted to compare the relative efficacy of different approaches to manage Meloidogyne incognita on green bean. These approaches include chemical (fumigant, non-fumigant, seed dressing, and seed dip), biological (the egg-parasitic fungus, Paecilomyces lilacinus and the mycorrhizal fungus Glomus sp.), physical (soil solarization), and cultural (chicken litter and urea) methods. Nine different control materials and application methods were compared. Two important parameters were considered: plant response (plant growth and root galling) and nematode reproduction (production of eggs and the reproduction factor Rf). The results showed that the use of chicken litter as an organic fertilizer severely affected the growth and survival of the seedlings. Therefore, this treatment was removed from the evaluation test. All of the other treatments were found to be effective against nematode reproduction, but with different levels of efficacy. The eight treatments decreased (38.9-99.8%) root galling, increased plant growth and suppressed nematode reproduction. Based on three important criteria, namely, the gall index (GI), egg mass index (EMI), and reproduction factor (RF), the tested materials and methods were categorized into three groups according to their relative control efficacy under the applied test conditions. The three groups were as follows: 1) the relatively high effective group (GI=1.0-1.4, Rf=0.07-0.01), which included the fumigant dazomet, the non-fumigant fenamiphos, soil solarization, and seed dip with 1 fenamiphos; 2) the relatively moderate effective group (GI=3.4-4.0, Rf=0.24-0.60), which included seed dressing with fenamiphos and urea; and 3) the relatively less effective group (GI=5.0, Rf=32.2-37.2), which included Paecilomyces lilacinus and Glomus sp.