Meriem Mihoub
High National School of Agronomic Sciences, Algeria
Title: A study on nematofauna associated to the olivier Olea europaea L. in some northen regions in Algeria
Biography: Meriem Mihoub
Surveys conducted during 2012 in some olive areas (Blida, Boumerdes and Mascara) in both orchards and nurseries revealed the presence of nine genera of plant-parasitic nematodes.Four among them are considered to be dangerous on oliviers. Pratylenchus is detected in the majority of areas sampled with a frequency ranging from 12.5% to 71.42%. The Helicotylenchus are present at a frequency of 6.25% to 50% in almost all the studied sites. Meloidogyne are the most dangerous despite their low frequency of 14.28%, because they are classified in the A2 quarantine list. They only exists in the olive areas of Mascara with a density of 10juveniles/100g of soil which corresponds to the limit of harmfulness of this plant parasitic-nematodes. Among ectoparasites, Xiphinema are the only dangerous genera because they are virus vectors on citrus. Other genera such as: Paratylenchus,Telotylenchus, Criconema, Gracilacus and Tylenchorynchus do not present any problems on oliviers and are detected in low densities.