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Ajiboye Abiodun Akeem

Ajiboye Abiodun Akeem

Federal University, Nigeria


Dr. Ajiboye Abiodun Akeem has completed his Ph.D degree at the age of 29 from the federal university of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Currently, he is the Acting Head of Deapartment of Plant science and Biotechnolgy, Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. He has published over 30 papers in both local and international journals.He is married to Mrs Modupe Doris Ajiboye (Nee Olonimoyo) and has three (3) childeren namely Emmanuel, Daniel and Esther. He is a seasoned plant physiologist who specialises in physiology bof seed germination and ethnobotanical studies of some valuable tree seeds in Nigeria.


Abstract : EFFECT OF ECTO AND ENDOMYCORRHIZAE ON SEEDLING GROWTH OF FOUR SAVANNA TREE SEEDS IN NIGERIA (Tamarindus indica (L), Albezia lebbeck (benth), Prosopis africana (L) and Parkia biglobossa (Jacq.B))