A Sabita Rani
Osmania University, India
Title: Tissue culture studies on Spilanthes acmella Murr.-An important medicinal plant
Biography: A Sabita Rani
Spilanthes acmella Murr. was successfully micropropagated using nodal segments and apical shoot tips. The explants were cultured on MS medium supplemented with diff erent concentrations of BAP for shoot initiation. All the concentrations of BAP alone induced shoot regeneration with varying frequency. High regeneration frequency was observed at 2 mg/l concentration of BAP in apical shoot tips (70%) and nodal segment (60%). Th e regenerated shoots were multiplied on MS medium with diff erent concentrations of BAP alone and in combination with NAA and IAA. Highest frequency of multiple shoot induction (90%) was observed at 2.0 mg/L BAP + 1.0 mg/L IAA with maximum number of shoots 25 and 40 aft er fi rst and second subculture. Th e highest shoot length (4.8 cm) was observed at 2.0 mg/L BAP + 1.0 mg/L NAA with 80% shoot multiplication. Th e regenerated shoots were transferred onto rooting media with diff erent concentrations of IBA and NAA. All the concentrations of IBA and NAA produced roots with varying frequencies. High percentage of rooting (90%) was observed for 1.0 mg/L IBA and NAA at 1.0 mg/L also showed good percentage of rooting (80%). Rooted plantlets were hardened and established in pots with 100% survival rate.